Being prepared is a recurring theme in the Word of God. We as Christians should be living a life of readiness, prepared for any situation and able to share with our families, our neighbors, and all who are in need in the event of an emergency or crisis situation. That is the purpose of Aglow Mid-Atlantic Emergency Preparedness: to be informed, to be trained, to be ready.

God has opened a door to enable us to minister to those in need
in this season of unrest in the world.
We need not be fearful, for we know that God is in control.
We do need to be prepared and equipped.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007



__Water – 1 gallon per person/day
__Water purification kit*
__First aid kit, freshly stocked
__First aid book
__Can opener – manual
__Blankets or sleeping bags
__Radio, flashlight, &batteries
__Essential medications
__Extra pair of eyeglasses
__Extra pair of house & car keys
__Fire Extinguisher – A-B-C type
__Baby supplies: special foods/formula, bottles, diapers etc.
__Pet supplies: food, water & leash or carrier
__Cash & change: identification for each person

*Store 1 gallon of water per person per day – have enough for 3-7 days. A family of four should have 12-28 gallons of water stored.
*Seal water tightly in a food-grade plastic container, label them with date, and store in a cool, dark place. Rotate every 6 months.
*If you have concerns about safety of water, boil for 5 minutes, let cool, then shake to oxygenate.
*No power – add 16 drops of unscented bleach per 1 gallon of water. Shake and let set for 30 minutes, should have a slight chlorine smell.

__Large plastic trash bags, for waste
__Large trash cans
__Bar soap & liquid detergent; wipes, hand sanitizer
__Feminine hygiene supplies
__Toilet paper
__Household bleach – 5.25-6.00% hydrogen chloride
__Cat litter

__Plastic knives, forks, spoons
__Paper plates & cups
__Paper towel & napkins
__Heavy duty aluminum foil
__Camping stove, charcoal grill, gas grill (always use outside!)

__Axe, shovel, broom
__Adjustable wrench to turn off gas
__Tool kit with screwdriver, pliers, hammer
__Coil of ½ inch rope
__Plastic tape, staple gun & sheeting for windows
__Plastic tarp
__Duct tape

__Sturdy shoes
__Heavy gloves for clearing debris
__Candles & matches
__Light Sticks
__Garden hose for siphoning & firefighting
__Communication devices, cell phone w/car charger

__Ready to eat canned meats, soups, fruit, vegetables
__Canned juices, milk & energy drinks, instant coffee, powdered milk
__High energy foods, like peanut butter, jelly, crackers, granola bars, trail mix, protein bars
__Dried foods (select carefully, some have a high salt content)
__Instant meals that don’t require cooking or water
__Comfort foods, hard candy, cereals, snack bars, cookies

#Don’t forget manual can opener!!!
#Rotate food items every 6 months and buy what you will eat!

Assemble and store emergency supplies. Stocking up now and being prepared will add to your safety and comfort, in time of an emergency.
__Develop a list of disaster hazards for your community
__Develop a list of training needed by your family
__Select your out-of-area contact person (in case you get separated from your family)
__Discuss your family disaster plan
__Locate the switch for the utilities for you home, know how to turn off
__Develop a list of telephone numbers you would need in a disaster